
Lookin' Good!

After a long and largely fruitless search for new glasses, I finally have a pair that I like!  I searched every optical outlet in Wester to discover that a.) all glasses frames in Wester are boring/square; and b.) frames even a little outside of average? Really, really expensive.

I prefer cat-eye glasses, which are harder to find than one would think.  Thank goodness for the internet! Though really, they weren't easy to find there either.  But I persevered!  Eventually, I found an eBay store that had just what I wanted.  In lots of colors!  With rhinestones!  Squee!

Actually, I ended up with optical quality readers.  Such a deal!  They were  $25 a pair.  Then I just took them into LensCrafters and had them put prescription lenses in.  That was not particularly cheap (their 2-for-1 deals only apply to frames and lenses).  I probably could have gotten a better deal if I had shopped around, but I was DONE with my old glasses and just wanted to get into the new ones as soon as possible

What do you think?  (Please ignore the dermatology-appointment-closeness of my un-made-up face.  Also, I do actually have eyelashes, I just look like a radiation victim without mascara.)

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