
Blog Love

I got my very first blog award! It is the Lemonade Award and I received it because Mel from A Voice For Moms thinks I demonstrate a good attitude with my blog: if life hands you lemons, make lemonade! This is especially humbling to receive from Mel, as she is unfailingly positive and supportive even when her own life has taken a difficult turn. Thank you so much for thinking of me, Mel.

The rules:
1. Put the logo on your blog.
2. Nominate at least 10 5 blogs* that show great attitude and/or gratitude.
3. Have your 10 5 pass it along to 10 5 more!
*I am a little on the shy side and worry that people I don't know well might think this was all chain-letter-y, so I reduced the number to 5.

So here are my 10 5 nominees:
  • Dodi from It's a (Dodi's) Life - She gave me my very first comment from someone to whom I was not related. Her blog makes me laugh and wish we lived in the same town.
  • Blue Violet from A Nut in a Nutshell - She always has an encouraging word when life with Z is tough. Plus, she doesn't hold my total blond moments against me!
  • Jennifer from Rundpinne - We seem to be on the same wavelength and she has given me so many good ideas for my blog.
  • Jamie from Kids... Me & RAW III - She cracks me up! Also, it was she who encouraged me to branch out and start The Button Box.
  • Dana from Cherry Soup - She was my very first follower and always has something cheerful to say.

Also? I will call this my thankful list for today. I am thankful that I stumbled across all of these lovely ladies out there in the great big blogosphere. And to Mel, who warmed my heart.


  1. congrats on your bloggy bling!

  2. You are welcome your blog shows the ups and downs and even the rough patches but you are great at finding the humor!!! Great nominees too!!

  3. Thank you for the award. I accept it whole heartedly! I would like to thank my kids for driving me crazy enough to be almost sane and my hubby for all the hubby things! It's an honor just to be nominated, but it's better to win. LOL Thanks again!


I am a comment junkie.
Thank you for feeding my habit.